The StartschussMasters has got a new winner: After a series of three triumphs in a row, PAN Fodbold from Copenhagen could not defend their title, and the first time in our history Leinebagger Hannover won the cup! Congratulations!
- Leinebagger I (Hannover)
- mvd Quadratekicker (Mannheim)
- Ballboys Gay (Hamburg/Startschuss)
- Vorspiel QSV I (Berlin)
- Hotshots (Köln)
- PAN Football (Kopenhagen)
- Ballboys Queer (Hamburg/Startschuss)
- GFC Friends Prague (Prag)
- Rosa Teufel (Kaiserslautern)
- Leinebagger II (Hannover)
- Wankyboiz and the married woman (Hamburg)
- Vorspiel QSV II (Berlin)
- Leftfooters FC (London)
- Trans*Soccer (Hamburg/Startschuss)
- FLINTA* Kick Hamburg
All the results in the match plans below.